Gas Cleaning Plant manufacturer in Pune, India: stratgem
For steel making process, steel industries have mini blast
furnace (MBF). During the process of steel making Blast Furnace gas gets generated.
This gas has a very high calorific value which then is used for further processes
of steel industries. While exiting the BF top, the gas at a very high top pressure
contains high dust content. It is required that the dust is removed from the gas
stream and the top pressure is killed to the level
suitable for using the BF gas in the burners.
Stratgem gas cleaning plants (GCP) are designed to eliminate the
dust particles from BF gas stream to the level of
< 5 mg/Nm3. For doing so lot of water is used for scrubbing the BF gas stream. It is
also desirable that the gas after the GCP contains the moisture content as less
than 5%. It is achieved with our innovative mist eliminator solutions.
The GCP is designed with 2 stage ventury scrubber system. In the 1st stage a
ventury, variable throat and flooded elbow is provided. At this stage the top
pressure is killed to certain extent and the gases are further passed to 2nd
stage. The 2nd stage
also constructed with a ventury, variable throat and a flooded elbow. Major
pressure is killed at the 2nd stage of GCP. In both the stages the all the major
content of dust is removed. Gas is further passed
through a cyclonic separator to remove the residual moisture from the gas
stream. Cyclonic separator is provided with a specially designed mist
In certain cases, for very high-top pressure and the pressure reduction requirements
beyond the GCP capacity, a septum valve is envisaged.

Simply state your requirements and the challenges. Stratgem will provide a solution that will suit your process needs while maintaining product integrity and safe operations.
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